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HealthRHYTHMS Group Empowerment Drum program during a “Perfectly Pink” Breast Cancer Support Group meeting


Perfectly Pink Breast Cancer Support Group meetingI am so grateful to share the power of HealthRHYTHMS Group Empowerment Drum program during a “Perfectly Pink” Breast Cancer Support Group meeting at Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute in Flint, MI. Over 16 Breast Cancer thriving survivors experienced how to LIVE WELL through rhythm, sound, community building and social support.

We began with an overview of the Scientific and Evidenced Based Research of the 10 step group empowerment drumming protocol (HealthRHYTHMS). The purpose was to allow the Breast Cancer thriving survivors to experience and feel the benefits and power of RHYTHM as a LIFE ENHANCEMENT/WELLNESS Tool.

After the opening wellness exercise, the thriving survivors passed egg shakers to demonstrate “letting go” of things we have no control over and the importance of support and working together as a team. Then the Genesys Hurley Cancer drums were introduced with a short demonstration and description and to play each drum. Then each person shared their name and an association of themselves in rhythm on the drum. There were very creative and humorous names such as: Gloria Alleluia, Thelma the Talker, DD the Busy Bee, Tasty Teresa.

We then transitioned into a lively groove, jammed and drummed together for 20 minutes! An insightful and enlightening discussion/reflection followed on several inspirational phrases: “what does it sound like on the drum when you realized you needed to make life style changes?” “what does the fear of returning cancer sound like?” “from the life styles changes you have made, how does that sound now?”

Then we discussed the things we do have in our control in order to LIVE WELL? Several comments included: “healthy diet, exercise, medication, prayer, hope and sleep.” During a guided imagery activity, we envisioned and drummed as if we were walking through a beautiful, colorful organic vegetable garden. We closed with a deep breathing wellness exercise emphasizing the importance to LIVING WELL through relaxing and taking time for space, reflection and silence.

Reflective comments from the group included: “comforting heartbeat, Courageous, Very Relaxing, doable and enjoyable, helps to express my emotions, Relaxing Informative and Stimulating at the same time, connected and comforted,”.

Thank you to Thelma and Richard Watson (my in law’s) tor allowing me to share my passion with them. Thank you Regina Watson (sister in law and Ford employee) for donating the Warriors in Pink kerchief scarves to each thriving survivor, a gracious donated from FordCares.com. Also Marsha Schmit (Nurse Navigator), Rhonda and Sue (Genesys Hurley Cancer Institute) for inviting me to share how MUSIC and RHYTHM is a therapeutic tool for Breast Cancer Survivors and as a LIFE ENHANCEMENT tool to help boost the immune system.

Posted In: Music Therapy, Music Wellness

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  • 1.  Loved it, Would like to know more about the studies.  – Kate Rowe (LCSW) 2.  This was fun!  – Cathy Pitts 3.  This was so much fun and relaxing.  Would love to do this again.  – Cynthia Barrett 4.  Very good and fun presentation.  Great Job!!  –  Anne Nicholson 5.  Awesome!  Thanks for caring…this was exactly what we needed!  – Capt Anita Yates
    Langley Air Force Base Behavioral Health Flight