Virginia Symphony Orchestra Music Therapy-informed Pilot Program
Date: May 26, 2017
Event: Virginia Symphony Orchestra music therapy-informed pilot program older adults living with dementia
Location: Warwick Forest Retirement Community, Newport News, VA
Board Certified Music Therapist: Becky Watson, MBA, MT-BC, Owner, Music for Wellness
Music for Wellness Receives 2017 Southern Gerontological Society Media Award
Press Release: Volunteers Needed for Scientific Music Therapy Research at Beth Sholom Village
Virginia Music Therapist Uses Remo Drum Technology To Help Seniors With Alzheimer’s
It’s an honor to be featured in the Santa Clara Hometown News … this article highlights the benefits of Remo’s new Drum Comfort Sound Technology and how it is used to engage, empower and energize older adults and their care partners living with dementia.
Music for Wellness, LLC – Grant funds Community Music Wellness Program |
NORFOLK, VA: St. Timothy Lutheran Church receives a Community Impact Council Grant to provide socialization for individuals and care partners in the Early Alzheimer’s Support Education (EASE) program through the Alzheimer’s Association. This program is for individuals with Early to Middle Stage Dementia with their Care partners and other Senior in general, with the realization that we all have symptoms of aging. This program focuses on healthy memories from the past to be brought to the forefront to create new and happy memories with the Care partner, which they do not always have with the process of the disease.Grant Funds Community Music Therapy Program for Alzheimer’s AssociationThis grant will fund customized Music Therapy Community Based programs provided by Music for Wellness, LLC to enhance socialization and memory making opportunities the St. Timothy support group. Specific theme programs include: Rhythmic Post Mardi Gras Party, Memorial/Summer Fun in rhythm, Celebrating Birthdays with a Beat, Gratitude/Thanksgiving Intentions through drumming, and Cultural Holiday Celebrations from around the World.
Scientific research and anecdotal evidence suggests that group empowerment drumming can facilitate engagement and creative self-expression, stress reduction, mood improvement, community building, social connection, nonverbal communication, movement, energy boosting, calming, centering, attention and focus. These customized Community Music Therapy Programs will provide an opportunity for seniors to socialize, reminiscence, exercise, in a fun supportive and safe environment. If you would like additional information or want more information about this group, please contact Ellen Greene at |
Music for Wellness, LLC Receives Matching Grant for REMO Drum Tables
NORFOLK, VA – Music for Wellness, LLC receives a matching grant from UCLArts and Healing ( for a free trial program for two drum tables. This new product line by REMO, Inc ( utilizes a Comfort Sound technology that offers a lower pitch to facilitate rhythmic synchronicity without overstimulation.
During the free trial period, Music for Wellness, LLC in collaboration with several non-profit community based Adult Day Care Programs in Southeast Virginia will develop activities, track preferences and document benefits and outcomes from the participants. This feedback will help REMO ascertain the benefits of the drum table and how it can be used – before it officially goes on the market.
Senior Champion Pilot program soars in Showcase: Virginia Gazette Article on June 30, 2014
“SOARING to new heights” with Remo Healthrhythms! Below is the photo and article from the Virginia Gazette Newspaper! This article provided an overview of the positive social, physical, cognitive and emotional impact on the active older adults and volunteers participating in the Innovative Senior Champion Program in Williamsburg, VA.
This program includes Music Therapy, Master Gardening, Memories in the Making, Art, Physical Fitness, Journaling, Friends of Williamsburg Library visits and numerous guest appearances. In the picture below is the opening wellness exercise which included deep breathing, stretching and relaxation as we began the Remo Healthrhythms Demonstration.
Women and Co blog post feature: Insights from Becky Watson, Owner, Music for Wellness, LLC. Click the link below to read the entire story.

Virginia Gazette Article: The Healing Power of Music: Published on June 12, 2014
The link above is from the Virginia Gazette Newspaper article dated Saturday June 7, 2014 on the Power of Music during a Remo HealthRHYTHMS Session with the Innovative Senior Champion Project in Williamsburg, VA.
Music for Wellness, LLC Wins “Social Venture Award” during Citi “Realizing Your Dream Business Plan Competition”
During the Citi “Realizing your Dream Competition,” I’m EXTREMELY proud to share that Music for Wellness, LLC received the “Social Venture” Award in Long Beach, CA. During the closing awards ceremony, the speaker quoted my comments, “Becky Watson summed it up best during her presentation….by being here today, I’m already a winner”… WOW, that was amazing to hear him say that to over 200 veteran women!