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Third National Summit: Advancing Research in the Arts for Health and Well-being across the Military Continuum

February 26, 2015 @ 5:00 pm – February 27, 2015 @ 8:00 pm
National Institutes of Health

The Third National Summit of the National Initiative for Arts & Health in the Military, hosted by National Center for Complementary and Integrated Health, National Institutes of Health, will examine the critical research needs impacting military service members, veterans and their families in promoting health, healing and well-being from pre-deployment, deployment to reintegration into civilian life. Through symposia, break-out group discussion, and engagement with prominent researchers and thought leaders, participants will learn about the current evidence base for the efficacy of the arts and creative arts therapies in helping service members and veterans recover from illness and injury, with emphasis on current topics of interest to military and veterans health, including resilience, physical and psychological healing, family strengthening and reintegration. The program and discussions are designed to help advance the strategies and recommendations for Research articulated in the NIAHM Blueprint for Action and White Paper.

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  • Horses Helping Heroes “Thank you for your very thorough report. I can say, as not only the Program Director but also a Board member, that I am impressed with how well you grasped the workings of our program with just your short exposure to this wonderful service to our veterans.” Horses-Helping-Heros
    Horses Helping Heroes